The Inaugural Nick Cann Award for Progressive Planning

Octo Members
29 September 2022

Nicola with the inaugural Nick Cann Award for Progressive Planning

The Progressive Planning Event on the 8th of September surpassed all our hopes. A day of fantastic presentations by some of the very best financial planning practice leaders who happily shared their ideas, challenged the assembled delegates and ensured we all generally got stuck in for a day of insights, shared learning and social interaction.

However, as it was our first ever event for and by financial planning practitioners we decided we wanted to make the day even more special. To make a lasting mark and establish a legacy for future events. Legacy is a tough thing to achieve and it was in this vein of thought that we decided we wanted to honour someone who has a huge legacy in terms of the professionalism of financial planning. Nick Cann BEM, who as chief executive of the Institute of Financial Planning, drove the early planning pioneers forward with a mixture of personality, humour and professionalism.

Many of us now know Nick for his tireless fundraising, recognised by HM the Queen,  after his stroke but he was just as tireless in his time at the IFP with his ambitions for financial planning and planners. He did indeed leave a superb legacy which lives on today.

We would like to take this moment to thank Marlene Outrim who as Vice President and then President of the IFP worked closely with Nick and all his ambitions. She took on the role of helping us design an award and led the judging. On the day, Marlene delivered a touching, very witty and apt introduction the award before asking both Nick and Barry Neilson on stage to present it to the first ever winner of an annual award in Nick’s name.

The very worthy winner of the Nick Cann Award for Progressive Planning Award 2022 is Nicola Coates of 56 Wealth.

Nicola was introduced as the winner by Barry thus; 

“This is a person who does not readily boast about her achievements. However, she only started her business in financial planning, having previously been employed in a supportive role, a few weeks before the pandemic broke. 

Yet, whilst working from home and virtually, she still managed to win clients and a build a network of professional introducers. Arranging regular catch-ups with these people enabled her to establish good relationships, sharing fears for their businesses and families. Connecting on a deeper level created a firm foundation for her company and how she wanted to work going forward.

Since then the company has grown significantly with three figure revenue in her second year, yet she still does not see herself as a remarkable financial planner. For her, it is not about being standout, but showing up, believing in what she does and doing her best each day. 

This award is aimed at such a person who is just starting out in the progressive planning world, but already making her mark and educating others. 

That is why Nicola Coates of 56Wealth wins this award.”

Congratulations again to Nicola, and a massive thank you to Nick, Marlene and Barry for helping make this such a highlight on the day.



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