Website & Marketing: Phil Bray on helping advisers with ‘The holy grail of social proof’

Octo Members
10 October 2019

A 31-minute watch.   

Phil Bray of The Yardstick Agency – a marketing outfit largely focused at helping advisers and financial planners – sits down with Lee Robertson to chat through the importance of website, reasons for users to visit yours, typical activity, and why ‘social proof is so important’.

Phil makes the point that, as a former adviser himself, the purpose of Yardstick is to help ‘re-lay the marketing foundations’ for advisers and planners, and uses the interview to point to some of the common areas he tends to find fault with.

On websites, he says there are three outcomes for which they should be designed: users as potential prospects; users who aren’t potential clients and need pointing elsewhere; and users who need pre-selling the financial planner. Phil then talks through the user experience in this context.

Phil also discusses what he means by ‘social proof’, and that ‘nothing trumps the thoughts and words of others’, as well as when a social media strategy is appropriate for an adviser firm.

Phil also spoke in our 3 Questions here. Don’t forget to check-out our new podcast series with M&G and Sam Shaw tomorrow morning.


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