Treading a new path

Octo Members
14 October 2021
Octo Members · FutureofAdvice JoannaOxleyTomRedmayne 061021 V02

A 21 minute listen.

Talking about the future of advice as part of our Building Better Financial Services programme are Joanna Oxley from Plan Money and Tom Redmayne  from Granite Coast.

In our latest podcast, the pair talks with Sam Shaw about their interest routes into financial advice, how reality met expectation, approaching their current employers and addressing the public image of the sector to quash misconceptions and stereotypes.

Whether a speech and language therapist or a small catering business owner with an IT sales background, both Joanna and Tom have harnessed their people skills and brought them to their current roles, while describing the types of advisers they feel they are likely to become.


#careerpivots #BuildingBetterFS #transferableskills

This recording suffered some small technical issues with the audio files for which we apologise.


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