Intentionality: Dennis Moseley-Williams

Octo Members
7 April 2021

A 50-minute view.

This interview is an absolute must-watch for any practitioner, of any level, looking to explore improving their client service and move their business to the next level.

In this session, Dennis Moseley-Williams of DMW Consulting, one of only two internationally certified experience economy consultants, an international speaker, author, and podcast host kindly shares his insights gained from working with financial planning practices and other service businesses across the globe.

In demand for his strategic assistance across financial services but particularly with financial planning practices looking to make a ‘Serious Shift’ in business, which is also the name of his book he uses examples of businesses who have made the move from service to experience and who are doing it well.

This Gr8 Debate is jam-packed with ideas as Dennis explores how to ensure clients mention you twice, intentionality, creating an experience for them, the ‘Five E’s’ but how it all starts with asking yourself a key question.

It would be remiss of us not to mention the forthcoming Resilience Summit in May and more details can be found via the Serious Shift website for those of you who wish to attend and find out more.

Dennis will also be taking the barstool slot at virtual drinks in June and that is definitely something to look forward to.

We are really grateful to Dennis for finding the time amongst his incredibly busy consulting and speaking schedule to share these ideas.


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