European financial planning clients?

Octo Members
7 April 2021

A 15-minute view. 

In this short video Paul Stanfield, CEO of FEIFA talks to Lee Robertson about some of the issues facing advisers with clients in Europe and how FEIFA has set about helping them.

Lots to think about and the fact that the situation can vary from member state to member state means that advisers need to be wary but help is available. Find out more in the video and by clicking on the links.

As Paul said, “We are seeing (and hearing about) many UK advisers/firms that have still not found a long-term and/or robust solution (from a compliance/regulatory perspective) – and, therefore, have also been assisting many of these recently. We are keen to make sure that any others who need help are assisted and are thus working with a number of relevant entities to ensure that as many relevant UK advisers as possible are, at the very least, aware of the help that we can potentially provide.”

They also have a Brexit Hub which is open to those who enquire.

As ever, very grateful to Paul for helping members in this way.


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