A 29 minute listen.
Two experts and two practitioners spoke to John Lappin discussing COVID 19 and the lockdown and what this means for pensions including the impact of the market falls on clients, the regulator’s stance on transfers, whether drawdown plans will prove resilient, concerns about auto-enrolment and calls for the MPAA to be raised if not scrapped altogether.
Meet the panel:
David Penney , director, Penney, Rudder & Winter
Robert Reid , principal, CanScot Solutions
Claire Scott, head of pensions strategy at Technical Connection
Rachel Vahey , senior technical consultant, AJ Bell.
Octo Members is the very first app-based private community for UK financial services professionals, where advisers, fund managers, wealth managers and professional consultants can come together to share knowledge and best practices.
CPD is a key element offered to our members who asked us to deliver actionable, contextual accredited content across all of our multimedia publishing.
In response to this we’ve created CPD Streams, carefully curated programmes of CPD episodes to address your learning needs.
Featuring hundreds of hours of quality CPD contained within constantly refreshed articles, podcasts, videos and supporting collateral; all designed to help you learn in the way you want to.
Our new programmes include:
…with more coming! So you’ll notice more and more content being accredited over the coming days and weeks.
We’re really excited about this enhancement to our member benefits, as we commit to ensuring Octo is your favourite resource to help you stay informed, meet your regulatory requirements, develop your professional capabilities and connect with the profession all via the very best engaging and insightful content.
The process to record your CPD couldn’t be simpler. Just watch or read your chosen piece of content, click ‘claim your CPD’ and your earned minutes will be logged via CPD Hub.
Introducing CPD Hub: The CPD platform for all your learning needs
CPD Hub is a free online solution created specifically to make it easier for financial professionals to earn, collect and record their annual CPD points. Whether you are an independent financial adviser or are responsible for managing your team’s CPD training, CPD Hub is here to help.
A next-generation learning ecosystem
CPD Hub make sure every learning opportunity counts; you can upload certificates earned elsewhere (i.e. events and seminars). So it’s easier and simpler than ever before to keep a record of all your CPD learning under one platform.
With CPD Hub its easy to keep your learning on track and the reporting tools allow you to demonstrate and share your progress with your accreditation body or employer.
Isn’t it time you streamlined your CPD learning? Find out more and sign up for free at www.cpdhub.co
Don’t forget, all 35 hours of your structured CPD including your 15 hours of IDD can be gained from digital resources, so what are you waiting for? Check out CPD Streams and start logging your CPD today!
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